3D Struck Out Soccer,Football

by Lean Art Cast



Made in japan.nThis is a great true 3D Graphics.

To escape shoot panel in the ball !!────────────────────Features────────────────────Lets kill all in the ball that was limited to 1-9 panel.You may remember the good old television.Issue the high score, lets play at the powerhouse and ranking.────────────────────How to play────────────────────■ rules1 from In survived shoot faster panel of up to 9 Lets put a high score.Score goes up by reducing mistakes.■ game screen display · LimitBecause the game is started is limit the countdown, please flick the ball in time.· PointPoint enters when punching the panel.· BallNumber of balls you have.Ball will decrease if it fails.■ game level of · EasyPlease decide goal within 10 seconds.Blows a little wind.Ball has become easier to hit the panel.· NormalPlease decide goal within 10 seconds.Wind blows.Sometimes the ball is out.· HardPlease decide goal within 5 seconds.There is also a strong wind blows.Ball comes off well.Is Free, so try.Program optimization.